Contract OverviewContract ID: N0017810D5910Modification Number: P00013Date Signed: Apr 3, 2015Obligated Amount: $0.00Solicitation Date:
Contractor InformationLegal Business Name: AVMAC LLCUnique Entity ID (SAM): HLLKJP6ZVFB3CAGE Code: Address: CHESAPEAKE, VA 233225756Ultimate Parent Legal Business Name: AVMAC LLC
Contract DetailsNAICS Code: 541330NAICS Description: ENGINEERING SERVICESPSC Code: R425PSC Description: SUPPORT- PROFESSIONAL: ENGINEERING/TECHNICALAward Type: IDC Indefinite Delivery Contract
Agency InformationContracting Agency: DEPT OF THE NAVYAgency ID: 1700Contracting Office Name: NSWC DAHLGREN