Contract OverviewContract ID: N0018910PZ829Modification Number: 0Date Signed: Aug 21, 2010Obligated Amount: $24,997.47Solicitation Date:
Contractor InformationLegal Business Name: THE PEAVEY CORPORATIONUnique Entity ID (SAM): LRPNM3QZAJF3CAGE Code: Address: LENEXA, KS 662143612Ultimate Parent Legal Business Name: THE PEAVEY CORPORATION
Contract DetailsNAICS Code: 922120NAICS Description: POLICE PROTECTIONPSC Code: 6545PSC Description: MEDICAL SETS KITS & OUTFITSAward Type: PO Purchase Order
Agency InformationContracting Agency: DEPT OF THE NAVYAgency ID: 1700Contracting Office Name: NAVSUP FLT LOG CTR NORFOLK